From Canzano, take the direction to Roseto degli Abruzzi. After Casabianca, it is time to stop and visit Abbey of San Clemente al Vomano, recently reopened after a long restoration. The Abbey was founded in 874 at the request of Ermengarde, Emperor Louis II's daughter. Abandoned by the monks, the monastery collapsed in the sixteenth century, but the church luckily did not. The interior has three naves ending in semicircular apses supported by brick or stone pillars. The altar is beautifully decorated, and the right aisle houses a polychrome wooden bust of Pope St. Clement. On the left, there are interesting remains of frescoes. Outside, the portal and the archway are artistically carved in stone.
Along the same road and near Morro D'Or there is the ancient Abbey of Santa Maria di Propezzano. The religious building stands on the site where, according to tradition, the Virgin Mary appeared as far back as 715. The Gothic and the Romanesque styles mingle in the architecture of the building, whose façade is made up of three parts with different heights. The right one is merged with the convent while the left one is characterized by the magnificent Holy Door, which is opened on the 10th of May only (the Day of Ascension). The central body has a portico with three arches, frescoes and a simple rose window above. The church has a square-base bell tower, and its interior has three naves separated by arches and with remains of frescoes.
Departure: Isola del Gran Sasso
Arrival: Morro D'Oro
Length: Km 62
Some pics of this tour:
Abbey of St. Mary of Propezzano (pic n°1); Santa Maria of Rozzano (pic n°2); Insulam of St. John (pic n°3); Insulam of St. John frescoes (pic n°4); S. Clemente Abbey (pic n°5); the altar of S. Clemente (pic n°6);
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Id: 117
Tour: The Magnificent Abbeys of the Vomano Valley
Category: Country sightseeing tour
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Location: Countryside
Region: Abruzzo , Italy
Hits: 3565
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