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*The scenic wine road from Alba to Barolo in Piedmont


Itinerary: Alba, Barolo, red wines, truffles, Piedmont

Scenic Drive - North Italy

The scenic wine road from Alba to Barolo in Piedmont

A wine tour following the scenic road from Alba to Barolo to discover great red wines and delicious food specialities

Cat.: Food & Wine

Location: Countryside

Region: Piedmont

*The beautiful wine road in Franciacorta in Lombardy


Itinerary: Cellatica, Gussago, San Zenone, Ome, Rodengo Saiano, Cazzago

North Italy

The beautiful wine road in Franciacorta in Lombardy

Take the wine route in Franciacorta to discover wines, local products, traditional dishes, and ancient art treasures

Cat.: Food & Wine

Location: Countryside

Region: Lombardy

*Scenic journey in Sabina to discover the beauty of this area


Itinerary: Rocca Sinibalda, Castel di Tora, Collalto Sabino, Orvinio, Monteleone

Central Italy

Scenic journey in Sabina to discover the beauty of this area

Discover Sabina area, not far from Rome, scattered with small medieval villages rich in history, art, charm and beauty

Cat.: Country tour

Location: Countryside

Region: Latium

*The Magnificent Abbeys of the Vomano Valley


Itinerary: Isola del Gran Sasso, Ronzano, Canzano, Guardia Vomano, Morro D’Oro

South Italy

The Magnificent Abbeys of the Vomano Valley

Wandering about Valley of Vomano to discover the Benedictine Abbeys in this rural area rich in tradition and culture

Cat.: Country tour

Location: Countryside

Region: Abruzzo

*Among ancient fortresses and Medieval villages in Umbria


Itinerary: Terni, Amelia, Castel dell'Aquila, Dunarobba, Montecastrilli, Carsulae

Central Italy

Among ancient fortresses and Medieval villages in Umbria

In the south of Umbria discovering fortified Medieval villages, medieval castles, fortresses and ancient Roman ruins

Cat.: Country tour

Location: Countryside

Region: Umbria

*The scenic drive of the Castles and the San Daniele Ham


Itinerary: Udine, Colloredo, Fagagna, Rive d'Arcano, San Daniele del Friuli, Buja

North Italy

The scenic drive of the Castles and the San Daniele Ham

Wandering about the romantic medieval castles in region Friuli-Venezia and tasting the worldwide famous San Daniele ham

Cat.: Food & Wine

Location: Countryside

Region: Friuli V.G.

Scenic walk along the streets of Trento

Itinerary: Trento

North Italy

Scenic walk along the streets of Trento

Scenic walk along the most beautiful streets of Trento to discover its history, its ancient churches and its castles

Cat.: Art City

Location: Countryside

Region: Trentino A.A.(South Tirol)

*Scenic drive road in Tuscany along the Casentino Valley


Itinerary: Pontassieve, Londa, Stia, Pratovecchio, Poppi, Camaldoli, Botanical Garden of Valbonella

Scenic Drive - Central Italy

Scenic drive road in Tuscany along the Casentino Valley

Discover the beautiful Casentino Valley following the scenic drive road from Florence to the Hermitage of Camaldoli

Cat.: Country tour

Location: Countryside

Region: Tuscany

Walking along the streets of Bologna

Itinerary: Bologna

North Italy

Walking along the streets of Bologna

A pleasant walk among the ancient churches and palaces of Bologna to discover the soul of this beautiful city

Cat.: Art City

Location: Countryside

Region: Emilia Romagna

*Beautiful Sicily: the Alcantara River Park


Itinerary: Giardini Naxos, Gaggi, Motta Camastra, Francavilla di Sicilia

Scenic Drive - South Italy

Beautiful Sicily: the Alcantara River Park

Discover the Alcantara River Park and the famous Alcantara gorges, a natural site of great interest and suggestive views

Cat.: Country tour

Location: Countryside

Region: Sicily

Area: Taormina & Etna

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