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*The beauties and the culinary delights of the Sabina area


Itinerary: Rieti, Poggio Bustone, Leonessa, Posta, Amatrice

Central Italy

The beauties and the culinary delights of the Sabina area

Sabina area, located in Lazio, is a well known region for its natural beauties and delicious food specialities

Cat.: Food & Wine

Location: Countryside

Region: Latium

*Among the medieval villages on the gentle hills of Piacenza


Itinerary: Piacenza, Graziano Visconti, Castell'Arquato, Salsomaggiore, Fidenza

North Italy

Among the medieval villages on the gentle hills of Piacenza

Discover Piacenza and its surroundings, through hilly landscapes spotted by vineyards and charming medieval villages

Cat.: Country tour

Location: Countryside

Region: Emilia Romagna

*Nuraghi, the millenarian Towers of Stones in Sardinia, Italy


Itinerary: Alghero, Cmplesso nuragico di Palmavera, Nurri, Orroli, Torralba, Seui, Nuraghe Arrubiu

South Italy

Nuraghi, the millenarian Towers of Stones in Sardinia, Italy

Nuraghi, the huge, enigmatic towers of stones built by ancient civilization more than 5000 years ago in Sardinia island

Cat.: Country tour

Location: Countryside

Region: Sardinia

*In the heart of the Umbrian Middle Ages


Itinerary: Assisi, Bastia Umbra, Spello

Central Italy

In the heart of the Umbrian Middle Ages

In the heart of the Medieval Umbria along the road that links Bastia Umbra, Assisi and Spello, among the green hills

Cat.: Country tour

Location: Countryside

Region: Umbria

*Tour through the Terre di Siena from Siena to San Galgano


Itinerary: Siena, Murlo, Monticiano, San Galgano

Central Italy

Tour through the Terre di Siena from Siena to San Galgano

From Siena to San Galgano Abbey along the road via Cassia to discover the sophisticated civilization of the Etruscans

Cat.: Country tour

Location: Countryside

Region: Tuscany

Area: Siena Area

Matelica Verdicchio DOC, a food and wine tour in the Marches

Itinerary: Camerino, Castelraimondo, Matelica, Cerreto d'Esi, Fabriano

Central Italy

Matelica Verdicchio DOC, a food and wine tour in the Marches

A food and wine tour to discover the thriving area of Verdicchio di Matelica DOC, the fine wine produced in the Marches

Cat.: Food & Wine

Location: Countryside

Region: Marches

*From Venafro to Agnone to discover the amazing Molise


Itinerary: Venafro, Scapoli, Castel S.Vincenzo, Carovilli, Agnone

North Italy

From Venafro to Agnone to discover the amazing Molise

A tour across Venafro, Scapoli, Pietrabbondante and Agnone to discover Molise's ancient history and traditions

Cat.: Country tour

Location: Countryside

Region: Molise

*Versilia: the Carrara marble tour


Itinerary: Pietrasanta, Querceta, Serravezza, Stazzema, Pomezzana

Central Italy

Versilia: the Carrara marble tour

A short tour in Versilia to discover its villages and the quarries where the famous Carrara Marble is extracted

Cat.: Country tour

Location: Countryside

Region: Tuscany

Area: Versilia

*Chianti tour to discover Medieval villages and Chianti wine


Itinerary: San Casciano, Greve in Chianti, Badia a Passignano, Tavarnelle

North Italy

Chianti tour to discover Medieval villages and Chianti wine

Chianti tour from San Casciano in Val di Pesa to Greve in Chianti to discover Medieval villages and the Chianti wine

Cat.: Food & Wine

Location: Countryside

Region: Tuscany

Area: Chianti

*Strolling in Gargano National Park and Umbra Forest, Italy


Itinerary: Gargano National Park, Umbra Forest, Apricena, San Giovanni Rotondo, Carpino

North Italy

Strolling in Gargano National Park and Umbra Forest, Italy

Wandering in the Gargano National Park to discover the natural beauties of majestic green forests and ancient monuments

Cat.: Country tour

Location: Countryside

Region: Apulia

Area: Gargano

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